A Tribute To Lane County


This is another cool shot of a hummingbird from our old Springfield home. I love the detail!

As I think back on my 33 years of life in Lane County, I have been revisiting some of the gifts I have received. Below is a partial list.

  • Almost 17 years of being married to Setsuko, my amazing wife. 
  • Wonderful relationships with people I have met through tennis and my school teaching work.
  • USPTA tennis teacher certification and work as a tester for those wanting to be certified as a tennis teacher.
  • Assisting my wife Setsuko with gaining USPTA certification
  • Work as a personal trainer and experience with strength training
  • Part of a Hood To Coast Team that set the mixed masters course record
  • Created community tennis programs in North Eugene, Springfield, Creswell, and Cottage Grove
  • Worked with Setsuko to make a large donation to Willamalane from my mom's estate. That donation helped create four multi-purpose courts that are great for tennis.
  • 14 years of work at North Eugene High School as a special education teacher.
  • 26 years coaching high school tennis at Springfield and North Eugene High Schools
  • Coached Tina Davis at Springfield the year she placed 5th at the state tennis tourney.
  • Co-teacher for a successful high school reading intervention class.
  • Purchase of two wonderful racing bikes and my renewed commitment to consistent cycling.
  • Yearly photo trips to keep my love of photography alive!
  • Discovery of the wonderful book "The Little Book of Talent," which convinced me to have students do more slow repetitive work when working on the development of key tennis fundamentals.


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