Suck It Up and Learn!


Another one of my favorite shots of Mt. Rainier. We were so lucky to have such a beautiful day!

This Fortune magazine article headline caught my eye.

"Billionaire investor Mark Cuban says he sees one trait in all successful people—and it’s one of the only characteristics you can control."

Any guesses as to what that trait is? 

“The one thing in life you can control is your effort,” said the man worth $6.6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. “And being willing to do so is a huge competitive advantage, because most people don’t.”

They say that the number one reason people leave their jobs is their manager—but according to Cuban, disliking your boss can actually be a boon.

  • If a person is struggling with their manager, learn from the manager's mistakes instead of quitting 
  •  "Disgruntled employees need to reframe the situation as a learning moment, grit their teeth, and get on with it." 
  • "In college you paid to learn, but now that you’ve graduated you’re getting paid to learn. Take advantage of the ‘to learn’ part of it."
  •  “That’s where people who are in jobs they don’t like make a mistake. They’re so miserable they just can’t wait to get out, and they don’t realize that you can learn more from the jobs you don’t like than the jobs you do like. "
  •  “Learning what not to do is just as critically as important as learning what to do—particularly if you have any aspirations to go on to management or to launch a company.”
  •  He added that at the jobs and companies that hadn’t worked out for him, he’d learned “as much, if not more” than the employers where he’d had a positive experience. 
  •  Cuban said working a job you don’t like is like attending a class at school you don’t enjoy: “If you really make an effort to learn, ask, ‘How is the company run? How are managers managing? If I don’t like my boss—why? Is there a way I can communicate with that boss that makes me better at communicating?
  •  “Learn from what they’re doing so you don’t do the same when you become a boss.”
  •  Early on in careers it can be “hard to have that perspective,” Cuban added, but said: “Look at your ultimate goal, and within the context of that ultimate goal, what can you learn for your current set of circumstances?”


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