Back To Work???!!!


Back to Takahatafudo! Such a gorgeous place! This time, I came armed with my professional gear. I was able to take these close-up shots with my 100-400 lens. Nothing like that kind of zoom telephoto power! Some additional editing and here are the results!

As I mentioned previously, I contacted the American School about a school intervention part-time position. It looks like I will be discussing that position with the administrators this coming Monday, August 7th.  Although I do not necessarily want to give up all of the freedom I have had these past two months, I am excited about the prospect of going back to work in the school intervention field. 

I believe that part of the reason I am on this earth is to serve the youth of today. I realize I will not be able to do that work forever. However, I certainly have more to contribute to the well-being of our next generation. I love the challenge of helping youth who struggle! I will keep you posted!

All the best,


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