Back to Work!


These are more gorgeous lilies from the Jindai Botanical Garden. I never get tired of admiring nature's beauty!

I got the job! The job is a half-time special education support position at the American School, an English speaking private school that is one mile from our house. I will be working every other day. One week I will work Monday and Wednesday and Friday. The next week I will work Tuesday and Thursday. Nice schedule!

I will be working one on one with a 10th grade student who has struggled in school. I am excited about this opportunity as I will really be focusing on instruction to help this student be successful. The student will be in a combination of regular education classes and support/skills classes. My job will be to monitor the classes and instruction and then to make modifications, as necessary. 

Another person will be the student's case manager. so I will not be doing all of the case management paperwork. I will be focusing on what is happening in the student's classes and focusing on work completion and related progress. On the days I am working, I will attend the student's math and English and study skills classes. 

As with so many of our students, the challenges will be in the areas of engagement, motivation, work completion, and skill development. 

The people I have met so far at the American School have been wonderful! I enjoyed the collaboration part of my job at North Eugene. I am confident that I will find the same kind of satisfaction at the American School. 

A big thanks to all of you teachers who make such a difference in the lives of your students. Good luck with the upcoming school year!

All the best,



  1. Congrats Roy! We are so happy for you; the American School is fortunate to have you! Your birthday is upon us. Is a gift card to Amazon the most practical idea? Love and hugs, Ty joined by Mark

    1. Thanks Ty! An Amazon gift certificate would be great! How are you and your family doing? Lots of love, Roy

    2. Hi Bob, We have not yet started school. It starts Sept. 6. Congratulations on your job. I knew you would get it. They are so lucky to have you. They hired for your job, but I barely know the guy. Keep posting. I so enjoy hearing from you.

    3. Thanks June! Good luck with getting the school ready for Sept. 6th! Thanks for all you do! Bob


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