Tribute to June!

 It is probably only fitting that one of my best photography days ever would come at a time when I have been reminded of so many fond memories from spending time with the world's greatest custodian.

Yesterday was truly a memorable day for me in the photography world. I rode my bike three miles to the Jindai Botanical Garden with all my professional gear, except for my big tripod. Instead of the tripod, I used a wonderful chest harness system. 

I photographed almost non-stop for six hours. What a thrill it was! I split my time between a gorgeous indoor greenhouse display of lillies and the outdoor area that is pictured above. I then spent a number of hours editing these shots. Enjoy!

For years, I have felt that one of my greatest strengths is that I seem to have a knack for attracting good people. June Blackwell, the head custodian at North Eugene High School, is one such person. What a gem she is! She epitomizes the meaning of the word "commitment"! June takes a tremendous amount of pride in the work she does and the high school reaps the benefits! I learned to appreciate her honesty, her dedication, and her never-ending "give them hell" spirit! 

The world needs more people like June! People who call it like it is! People who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. People who, day in and day out, do what it takes to keep the school afloat. 

June decided early on in our relationship to call me " my Bob." It was my honor to have such a connection with such a wonderful person. The good news is that we are staying in touch via this blog. The good news is that her spirit is with me every day. Heaven knows, given the challenges we face on a daily basis, we need as much of June's spirit as we can get! 

June, I miss you! However, I am glad we had such great times together. I am glad we can stay in touch. All the best to you and the rest of the North community. Thanks for all you do to make North such a great place!

All the best,



  1. My Bob, Thank you for your kind words and such a wonderful tribute. You really know me well. I am touched by your words so much that I am in tears. I truly miss you my friend, and think about you often. Your spirit is with me too.
    Now, about these gorgeous photos. You have outdone yourself , Bob. These pics are absolutely the best. Japan is beautiful. I am glad we have this blog as a connection. It helps me see Japan through your eyes.
    Good luck at the American School tomorrow. I know you will get the job. I just hope they know how lucky they are to have you. Our loss is their gain. Keep me posted. See you on the next blog entry.

    1. Thanks June for your kind words! I will keep you posted! All the best, Bob


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