Thank you Setsuko!

This song has a special place in my heart as I played this Neil Diamond classic, "Play Me," at our wedding. This is my way of saying thank you to Setsuko for such a wonderful Japan experience. Love you lots!

The pictures, taken with my iPhone, are from an amazing excursion to Showa Kinen Park I took by bicycle with my friend  Stuart. We rode our bikes 6+ miles to the park, then rode around the perimeter of the park, then walked parts of the interior. What a gorgeous place! I particularly enjoyed the Japanese Garden! After this wonderful experience, we rode to a restaurant owned by a friend of his and had a fabulous Japanese meal. What a day to remember! 

I feel fortunate to have these relationships to nurture my soul. I will end with some of the lyrics from this Neil Diamond song.

                You are the sun, I am the moon
                You are the words, I am the tune
                Play me.

Does it get any better than that?
All the best,


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