Birds, Birds, and More Birds!

I just made this new recording of Moon River on my Yamaha P 515. I hope you enjoy it!

For the last three years or so, I have been using the Canon R5 mirror-less camera with the 800 lens. While that has been a wonderful combination, it has not been ideal for small bird photography. With that in mind, I was fortunate to be able to purchase the Canon 100-500 RF lens. I had previously purchased the 2X RF extender. That extender doubles the longest focal distance from 500 to 1000.
I put this combination to the test last week. I first went to a small park that is a two minute walk from our house. That is where I photographed the small yellow birds that are appropriately called the Japanese White Eye. 
I then went to the Tama Cemetery, which is also where I was able to photograph the other birds. That location is also very close to our house.
The other change I made was to follow the advice of an experienced bird photographer. I set up two "pre-sets,"  one of which is for eye detection. I could not be more pleased with the results as you can clearly see the bright spots in the eyes for each of these birds.

Without a doubt, this was one of the highest quality bird photography sessions I have ever experienced. Yes, we are talking some serious numbers, as I took almost 2000 photos in three hours! However, I ended up with 66 photos that I am super pleased with. 

I would like to end with a big thank you. I was emailing one of my former tennis students. She said she was following my blog. It occurred to me that I have had no idea of how many views my blog has had. For the first time, I checked that number. I was shocked to find that I have had more than 8000 views! Wow, that is amazing! Thank you for your views and support!

All the best and Happy Spring!


  1. Love the pictures of the birds and can see the sparkle in their eyes!

    1. Thanks very much! Bob

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Bob, I sent the URL to your blog to my friend, Becky. She loves birds and birding. Molly

    4. Thanks very much! Bob


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