A New Job!

Hello again!

I hope you enjoy my recording of the classic, "Leaving on A Jet Plane." That song has always had special meaning to me as it was the first song I learned on the guitar. I only wish I could match the wonderful recordings by John Denver and Peter, Paul, and Mary!

These photos are from Jindai Botanical Garden, such a gorgeous place! 

As I think I may have mentioned, my current job at the American School is over at the end of this year. While I could stay and work as a substitute teacher, my preference is to have a regular position, so I get the joy of working with the same students on a consistent basis. 

There is a wonderful web site that lists most of the top international schools in the Tokyo area: https://www.international-schools-database.com/in/tokyo

Call it luck or call it persistence, I recently hit the jackpot when I discovered an amazing gem, The Tokyo International Progressive School, or TIPS, https://www.tokyoips.com/

This is from their main page: TIPS is an international school for grades 4 - 12 that provides alternative education for students with mild learning differences and with academic, emotional and/or social challenges. Founded in 2000, TIPS is proud of the expertise of our staff and the results of our programs.

For those of you who know me, you can see that this is a perfect match for my skills, experiences, and educational interests and pursuits. I will be teaching a language arts class, a humanities class, and will be assisting with two PE classes. This part-time position is about fifteen hours per week. 

I did a sample lesson as part of the interview process and had a ball! I feel so fortunate to have this opportunity! To make matters even better, it is a very nice 9 mile bike ride along the Tama River to go from our house to the school. It takes me about 40-45 minutes, a perfect amount of time for peace and quiet and reflection!

Lastly, this will give me the opportunity to delve into reading comprehension, one of my favorite subjects in education. While this will not match all the highlights from my position at North Eugene, it will give me the golden opportunity to do work I dearly love. Yeah!

I hope you enjoy the Spring!

All the best,



  1. Hey Roy, Congratulations on your new job. It sounds like a great fit! All the best to you, Setsuko, and family! Love and higs, Ty joined by Mark

    1. Thanks Ty! Love from Roy (Bob)


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