Sunrise and the Future!
This is part three of the five part series. The first part was published on 12/27/28 and part two was published earlier today.
I am fascinated with water! As a photographer, there are so many possibilities when working with water and light and reflections and different objects and shapes. With the exception of the top Osaka Castle photo, the others were all taken at sunrise on Lake Biwako. It was gorgeous!
I recently spent some time estimating how many years of full-time work I have done. My estimate is very rough as there were years when I worked part-time and/or went to school. Ball park estimate? 40 years! I guess I have earned the right to semi-retire, at least when it comes to full-time work!
I have really enjoyed my special education and teaching work. That has included 14 years at North Eugene High School, 1 year at the American School in Japan, and 1 year at the Tokyo International Progressive School. Prior to that, I worked at least part-time as a tennis teacher and coach and administrator and trainer.
Here is a list of most of the other jobs I have had!
- Washing dishes in Alaska and Hartford, Connecticut
- Construction work in Alaska
- Day care work in Alaska
- Restaurant work as a waiter in Alaska
- Lifeguard and swim instructor: Alaska
- New Games specialist: Alaska
- Played piano for a day care center: Alaska
- Teaching skiing in Alaska
- Recreation program director: Alaska
- Newspaper delivery: Alaska and Washington
- Waiting tables at Bob's Big Boy in Washington and Alaska
- Teaching/coaching tennis in Tacoma, Seattle, Anchorage, Olympia, Portland, Eugene, Junction City, Springfield, Creswell, Cottage Grove, Fuchu-Japan
- Directed the Wizard of Oz for homeschoolers: Washington
- Mowing lawns in Washington
- Publicity director: athletic department: The Evergreen State College, Washington
- Basketball and soccer and flag football official: Washington and Oregon
- College resident director: Lewis and Clark College, Oregon
- Personal trainer and fitness specialist: Oregon
The bottom line? Like many who get to my stage in life, I am ready to pursue other pursuits. I promised Setsuko that this would be my last regular consistent year of working. My plan is to be a substitute teacher at the American School, which is just a mile from our house. I am also planning to really go to work on learning Japanese. In addition, I would like to do the 120 hour TEFL certification class so I can teach English as a second language to people here in Japan.
I am very much looking forward to returning to my climate change work as I really miss working in that realm. I will continue to cycle or run or walk every day and will continue to do my stretching and strength training exercises. Exercise keeps me sane! I will keep doing my photography so I can share gorgeous Japan sites with you!
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