Longevity/Dementia Prevention

This is a page with information about Dementia and Dementia prevention.


Lisa Genova wrote the novel in 2007 and then the film came out in 2014. Although the novel and movie are fiction, the dementia descriptions are based on factual information. Genova, born in 1970, is an American neuroscientist who has spent her career studying the nervous system.  What is amazing is that Genova self-published this novel! Simon and Schuster later purchased the rights. It was then published by Pocket Books (now Gallery Books) in 2009.



Please copy and paste the following address into your address bar to access this fascinating article about a nun who managed to avoid Alzheimer's. After she died, an autopsy revealed signs that indicated that she should have been suffering from the disease.




We need to keep moving! So says David Brown, the author of a fascinating book titled "Beating the Dementia Monster." David came down with early onset Dementia, but was able to stop and even reverse the symptoms.

"I now believe that my life absolutely depends on the treadmill. I believe that daily aerobic exercise, more than any other factor, has turned my condition around, at least for the foreseeable future."

In his book, David says that he works out on a treadmill 50 minutes per day, six days per week. He recommends a 10 minute warmup and then a workout at 65% of a person's maximum heart rate. 


I have a goal of living to be 100 years old. Other than a little bit of luck, the following is a list of some of the other factors for me to consider if I am going to reach this lofty goal. This information is from the informative book, "We Live Too Short and Die Too Long," by Walter M Bortz II, MD.

  1. Consistent exercise
  2. A healthy diet
  3. Plenty of sleep
  4. Work satisfaction and a sense of usefulness
  5. Happiness
  6. Social stimulation
  7. Intellectual stimulation
So sorry to be out of touch! My last post was on September 14th. How time flies when you are having fun! And boy oh boy, I have been having fun!

Let's start with the good fortune! A very nice friend recommended that I go to the Nogawa Park Nature Observation Garden. When I told her I would probably go next week, she said that the flowers may be out of bloom by then. I am very glad that I went today! Thanks so much to my friend!

All three pictures are from that Garden. Believe it or not, I took 2000+ pictures in 3.5 hours! I was a busy boy! The bird pictured is a Kingfisher. That is definitely my good luck bird! Here is the story. My previous trip to Japan was in 2007. I had the opportunity to do some bird photography close to the same spot as I went to today. Lo and behold, back 16 years ago, there was a Kingfisher that was the star of the photography party. The area was full of those big long lenses! Unfortunately, the shots I took were not that good. I guess I must be doing something right as I really nailed the photo this time around!

Now let's talk about another of my favorite topics, that of exercise! My three favorite machines include the back extension machine, the leg raise machine, and the leg press machine. We now have the first two machines, but the third is expensive and too big for our house. I recently discovered the "sissy squat" machines! These machines are definitely not for those with a fear of a good leg workout! I purchased an inexpensive version of this machine. The link is below. Make sure you check out the inspiring video. If only I could have muscles like those!

 And now let's talk about good service! For those who think that good manners and good deeds are a thing of the past, think again.  I have included below the link for this wonderful piece of inspiration! Some very thoughtful genius came up with the clever idea of starting a cafe that uses workers who are struggling with dementia. The cafe also employs support workers. My favorite line in the article? "At Japan's dementia cafes, forgotten orders are all part of the service." Just how cool is that? Now if I could just get going with learning the Japanese language, I could volunteer for them. Happiness personified!

All the best to you and your families,






I recorded "All I Ask of You" on my Yamaha P-515. This song brings back such wonderful memories. Setsuko and I saw a live performance of Phantom of the Opera. This song has always been one of her favorites!

These pictures were again taken during our Kyoto trip. The beauty just keeps on coming!

Speaking of favorites, I would today like to talk about longevity. Specifically, I would like to share some thoughts about a very informative book I just finished, "Outlive," by Peter Attia. At times, it was a challenging read as he gets pretty technical when it comes to the science and medical background he provides. However, that challenge is well worthwhile; he provides a ton of good information. The book is organized into the following sections:

  1. Part 1: The Technical Elements of Disease, the Medical Field, a Roadmap for Reading the Book
  2. Part 2: Nutrition, Cancer, Heart Disease, Memory and Alzheimer's Disease
  3. Part 3: Exercise, Stability, Nutrition, Sleep, Emotional Health

For me, there were not a lot of surprises. However, it was very gratifying to read such a thorough analysis of what it takes to live a long life. He really emphasizes that the goal is to live a long, healthy life. With that in mind, he talks about the importance of setting goals now to accomplish what we want to be able to accomplish when we are 70 or 80 or older. 

Much to my pleasure, he says that exercise is the best step we can take to help ourselves live a long and healthy life. He puts a lot of emphasis on getting 7-9 hours per night of sleep. He talks about the evidence that suggests that a lower average for sleep can have a significant impact on mental capacity, especially as we get older. 

In terms of nutrition, I thought it was interesting that he focused on eating less than many people do. He said our bodies respond better to the "less is more" approach. He also talked about how the traditional medical field has done such a poor job of teaching the value of good eating habits as a way to prevent illness.

Lastly, the author is quite open in discussing his personal emotional and mental struggles. He twice attended a treatment program to help him come to terms with his anger problems. Fortunately, he was able to salvage his marriage as a result of his efforts. He now uses mindfulness meditation and other techniques as ways to effectively manage his emotional and mental state. 

Overall, I highly recommend this book. You can also check out his web site and related videos.

Here's to a long and healthy life!

All the best!



I recently sent the following to a friend. That message nicely summarizes many of the steps I have taken to live to be 100 years old.  

In addition, I would like to add some information about balance. This is a very important issue for all of us as we age. Here are my thoughts.

  1. Yoga is a very good activity for developing and maintaining balance.
  2. This Amazon web site has some good books on balance: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=balance+exercises+for+seniors&crid=FLRHBECEKCEX&sprefix=balance+exercises%2Caps%2C250&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_2_17
  3. Jeff gave me a good exercise for developing balance. Stand up straight. Lift up your heels. Keeping your heels off the ground, go down to a squat and then return to a standing position. If you have had knee problems, use caution, go slowly, and stop if you feel pain. You can also make it less stressful on the knees by holding onto a chair for support. 
  4. Peter Attia is the author of "Outlive, The Science and Art Of Longevity." He recommends working up to being able to stand on one leg for thirty seconds with eyes open. Eyes closed increases the challenge!
I will start with a brief list and then we can go from there.
I am fortunate in that I have been active my entire life.
I have an extensive history as a tennis teacher, coach, competitor, and administrator.
As a “lifetime sport,” tennis has been a key contributor to my successful health habits.

I started running in 1985.
I no longer compete but continue to use running for physical and emotional and mental fitness.
I learned a tremendous amount from my competitive running career, including how to deal with the pain of maximum exertion. 

To varying degrees, I have engaged in cycling for many years.
When COVID hit, I expanded my cycling.
I now have two expensive racing bikes and bike 4-7 times a week, cycling 10-20 miles per day.
I love it!

I have had my share of injuries.
I had a great physical therapist in Oregon, Jeff Giulietti,  who helped me establish a very solid foundation of strength and flexibility.
To this day, I do his exercises on a regular basis. 
I have a background as a personal trainer, so I know how to train and how to take care of my body.

One of the things I am most proud of is that in 15 years of school teaching, I have never missed a day due to sickness.
I eat well, get plenty of sleep, work out daily, and do strength training and stretching every day.
I am very motivated to be a great school teacher and am very committed to that work.
That work is extremely satisfying and provides intellectual stimulation that keeps my mind active and engaged. 
I have a wonderful marriage and share a love of walking and exploring and tennis with my wife. 

I am fortunate in that I have played the piano for almost 50 years.
In addition, I play the guitar and sing.
I am a very committed amateur musician and enjoy practicing on a daily basis.
My recent focus has been on the guitar and singing. 

I get a tremendous amount of social satisfaction from my relationships with my wife, my students, and a small group of friends.
I am also active with my blog and am very conscientious about responding to people by email. 
I have enjoyed my involvement with the Citizens Climate Lobby and have met some nice people through working with that group.

In short, as a very disciplined individual, I have developed and implemented lifestyle habits that will hopefully enable me to live to be a hundred years old.
I am very selfish about this process, as my personal health and well-being are absolutely the top priorities in my life.
I am very good about implementing those priorities every day. 

May we all grow old together!

All the best,



Well, I am certainly not Paul McCartney! Regardless, I hope you enjoy my rendition of Let It Be! In this day and age of public strife and conflict, I think we can all take a lesson from the Beatles!

I also hope you enjoy these photos from the Tama Cemetery. After spending many hours walking through that cemetery, I finally decided to get a map. Using that map, I discovered the grave site at which these pictures were taken. This has now become my favorite grave site in the cemetery!

One of my all-time favorite lines from a song is the title of the song, "I Need Never Get Old," by Nathaniel Rateiff and The Night Sweats. I love the song and I love the title!

That song title could easily be the title of a fabulous book I am reading, "Breaking the Age Code," by Becca Levy. Here are a couple of representative quotes from that book.

 "Participants with the most-positive views of aging were living, on average, seven and a half years longer than those with the most-negative views."

"When it was my turn to address the senators, I explained how I discovered that negative age beliefs affect not only health outcomes, such as memory performance and cardiovascular response to stress, but also the very length of our lives."

Levy, Becca. Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How Long and Well You Live (p. 93). Harper Collins. Kindle Edition.  

This book is also referenced in another great book, "Sway," by Ori Brafman.

Wow, 7.5 years is a long time! This is powerful stuff! At the same time, there are no shortcuts. What Becca explains in the book is that people with a positive and optimistic view of aging make lifestyle choices and commitments that typically increase their longevity and the quality of their lives. In other words, this positive mindset towards aging leads to day to day habits that promote longevity. 

There is that old saying, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Becca argues that research and studies do not support this saying. On the contrary, she argues that as people get older, many of those folks learn new skills and have stronger self-reflective skills that those who are younger. She cites evidence that shows that many older people are better therapy patients because of their ability to learn from the past without interference from a strong ego.

Speaking for myself, reading this book is music to my ears. I have listed below some of the evidence from my life.

  1. In 15+ years of working in schools, I have yet to miss a day due to being sick. Besides good health habits and lots of discipline, I really do not want to miss any time with my students, so I push  myself mentally and physically and emotionally to stay healthy and be in school.
  2. I just had my 68th birthday. I have continued to set records for my one hour bike ride. 
  3. For all practical purposes, I can do almost everything I could do thirty years ago, just maybe a little slower!
  4. Strength training has helped me with injury prevention and with my ability to maintain an active lifestyle.
  5. My own perception is that I am the best school teacher I have ever been, due to extensive planning, a willingness to try new approaches, and a determination to be the best teacher I can be.
  6. I do not think about my age. 
  7. I think about what I want to accomplish in life, and then I make a plan and go on to execution, knowing that I will make mistakes, but also knowing that hard work and perseverance will likely bring about positive outcomes. 
  8. I live my own life based on the goals and decisions I make that reflect my purpose in life. 
  9. I do my best to ignore messages from others that do not support my efforts and my purpose in life. 
  10. When people say, "you can't do this," my response is to prove them wrong.
  11. I try to live day to day by the ideals promoted in the song, "The Impossible Dream."
  12. It may be impossible, but why not try! 


Please join me in working to abolish the prejudice that exists in our world towards senior citizens. 

Please join me in believing that many of us can lead productive and inspired lives until the day we die. 

Please join me in reaching out to others and doing all we can to make this world a better place.

All the best,

Bob Reed






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